chapter 7 first impression

 When the aouther said "Can the man created good by God be rendered wicked by man? Can the soul be completely made over by fate, and become evil, fate being evil?aid I think that man can be changed by other man. If some is made good but lives a bad life by getting abused and many more stuff happens to them then I think life can take a bug turn for them and change them in a bad way. But this can also be the other way around is there is someone madewicked and lives in a good envierment and has other peoplethat help and sow them the right way to life they could change and become a good person. In my opinion it all depends on what happens to you in life and how you diceied to take in all those lessons that life sendes your way even if others push you another way but other infuleses have a really big affect on you too.


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